24 Juli 2012
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) untuk Perusahaan Konstruks
03 Juni 2012
Indonesia Infrastructure Report Q3 2012 (14 May)
In January 2012, PLN announced that it has identified 96 locations that are suitable for new hydroelectric power plants across the country, reports thejakartapost.com. PLN will develop 60% of the proposed facilities, with the remaining 40% to be offered to independent power producers (IPP) through a series of tenders. The power plants will have a total production capacity of 12,800MW.
In February 2012, the Indonesian government announced that it will undertake a feasibility study for the proposed US$13.9bn Sunda Strait bridge project during 2012. However, the government said that it would only pay IDR1.5trn (US$164mn), equivalent to 1%, of the project's total cost for the feasibility study. The 31km bridge will run between Anyer on the island of Java to Bakauheni on the island of Sumatra and be the largest inter-island edifice in the country. Construction is scheduled to start in 2014 and the bridge is expected to be operational by 2025. The development of the project is led by the consortium PT Graha Lampung Banten Sejahtera.
In March 2012, PLN announced plans to launch a tender for the IDR20trn (US$2.18bn) Sumatra-Java high-voltage-direct current interconnected project in April 2012. Construction is expected to start in 2013, with completion scheduled for 2017. Once completed, the system is expected to distribute 3GW of electricity from Sumatra to Java and Bali Island, or vice versa. The project involves the construction of a converter station in Muara Enim [South Sumatra] and an inverter station in Bogor [West Java]. The line will be used to supply power from South Sumatra to fulfil the rising demand for power in Java, with several coal-fired power plants being built in the former region.
Reference: Indonesia Infrastructure Report © Business Monitor International Ltd.
22 Agustus 2011
Indonesia Infrastructure Report Q4 2011
Indonesia’s construction industry achieved lower-than-expected growth rates in the first quarter of 2011, prompting us to downwardly revise our full-year real growth forecasts for the sector to 6.3% in 2011 (previously 7.4%). We believe that this weaker growth is due to the rising cost of inputs and the fact there has been no resolution with regard to problems with regulatory issues in the construction sector. While the rate of inflation is likely to ease in the second half of this year, regulatory issues are unlikely to be resolved quickly, and this could have ramifications for the growth potential in the construction sector over the long term. Nevertheless, construction activity, driven by investment into transport and energy infrastructure, as well as industrial construction related to the country's growing mining sector, is expected to be relatively robust between 2012 and 2015, averaging 7.3% per annum.
Indonesia Infrastructure Report Q4 2011, © Business Monitor International Ltd.
07 Agustus 2011
Indonesia Infrastructure Report Q3 2011
BMI View: Indonesia’s construction industry has been experiencing exceptionally high levels of inflation over recent years; however, despite this trend real growth has been high, averaging 7.6% per year between 2003 and 2010. Although these high levels of inflation are expected to continue over the forecast period (2010-2015), the construction industry is still anticipated to post high real growth, reflecting the high levels of anticipated activity. This is being driven by investment into transport and energy infrastructure, as well as industrial construction related to the country's growing mining sector. In 2011 we are forecasting construction industry growth of 7.4%, and between 2011 and 2015 we are forecasting growth to average 8.1% per year.
Key factors that will facilitate growth include:
�� The Indonesian government is looking at issuing Islamic bonds to meet its financing needs. In January 2011, Bloomberg reported that the finance ministry had proposed to the Indonesian shari'a board – Majelis Ulama Indonesia – that revenues from new road and rail projects (due to be built over the next three years) should be used to repay Islamic bonds.
�� In December 2010, Japan signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with Indonesia for the development of around US$24bn worth of infrastructure projects in the Jakarta Metropolitan Priority Area (MPA). However, the recent devastation wrought by the Tohoku Pacific earthquake that hit Japan on March 11 2011 has raised significant uncertainty about the future destination of Japanese investment and the project could now be delayed.
�� In March 2011, the Indonesian government announced that it may offer 16 infrastructure projects worth US$32bn to investors in April 2011. These 16 projects are to be offered under a public private partnership (PPP) framework and would focus on a wide variety of infrastructure developments; ie toll roads, bridges, railways, seaports, power plants, water treatment facilities and cruise terminals. However, only five of the 16 projects are currently ready for investment.
Indonesia’s business environment remains a downside risk for investors. Although the Indonesian government is working hard to attract private investors, there is still an underlying threat of corruption and a lack of transparency in infrastructure tenders. The biggest concern is that Indonesia appears to be regressing in its fight against corruption, with a raft of proposals – that if approved – would undermine current anti graft laws. This culminates in a score of just 55.6 out of 100 for infrastructure business environment.
Indonesia Infrastructure Report Q3 2011
06 Maret 2011
Daftar Rencana Topik Penelitian S2 (Magister)
1. Asset dan Kapabilitas Teknologi dalam hubungannya dengan keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja lestari perusahaan
2. Asset dan Kapabilitas Inovasi/Komplementer dalam hubungannya dengan keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja lestari perusahaan
3. Asset dan Kapabilitas Keuangan dalam hubungannya dengan keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja lestari perusahaan
4. Asset dan Kapabilitas Reputasi dalam hubungannya dengan keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja lestari perusahaan
5. Asset dan Kapabilitas Struktur dalam hubungannya dengan keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja lestari perusahaan
6. Asset dan Kapabilitas Institusional dalam hubungannya dengan keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja lestari perusahaan
7. Asset dan Kapabilitas Pasar/Posisi dalam hubungannya dengan keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja lestari perusahaan

Rencana penelitian ini merupakan lanjutan dari studi penelitian dari disertasi tentang manajemen strategik pada perusahaan konstruksi di Indonesia yang mengacu kepada paradigma strategi bisnis yaitu kapabilitas dinamis (dynamic capabilities framework) yang digagas oleh David Teece (1990,1994, 1997, 2007, 2009).

Kepada yang berminat terhadap topik-topik di atas, silahkan kontak ke mspamulu@gmail.com untuk diskusi lebih lanjut. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya